mountain e-bicycle

Publicado: 5 de abril de 2024 em Expressão & Entretenimento


I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to inform you about an exciting
opportunity to purchase a high-quality electric mountain bike from our inventory.

We are currently offering a 26-inch mountain electric bike equipped with a powerful 350W
motor and a 36V 13AH battery. With a range of 50 kilometers on a single charge, this electric
mountain bike is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers. The pedal assist
feature ensures a smooth and effortless riding experience, allowing you to conquer
challenging terrains with ease.

The best part is that we have stock available in our warehouse in Germany, and we can ship it
to any location across Europe. Our efficient shipping process ensures that the electric
mountain bike will be delivered to your doorstep within 3-7 business days.

Key Specifications:

Wheel Size: 26 inches
Motor Power: 350W
Battery: 36V 13AH
Range: Up to 50 kilometers
Pedal Assist: Yes
Whether you are an avid cyclist or simply looking to explore the outdoors in a more
eco-friendly way, this mountain eBike is an excellent choice. Its robust design, reliable
performance, and long battery life make it suitable for various terrains and riding


If you are interested in making a purchase or have any further inquiries, please let us know
your address. We would assist you with the ordering process and provide cost of shipping.

Thank you for considering our electric mountain bike We look forward to hearing from you
soon and helping you embark on your next cycling adventure.

Best regards,
Brian Martinez
eMTB Team

We are currently offering a 26-inch mountain electric bike equipped with a powerful 350W
motor and a 36V 13AH battery. With a range of 50 kilometers on a single charge, this electric
mountain bike is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers. The pedal assist
feature ensures a smooth and effortless riding experience, allowing you to conquer
challenging terrains with ease.

The best part is that we have stock available in our warehouse in Germany, and we can ship it
to any location across Europe. Our efficient shipping process ensures that the electric
mountain bike will be delivered to your doorstep within 3-7 business days.

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How are you doing? I am reaching out to introduce you to our state-of-the-art e-bike
manufacturing facility, renowned for its commitment to innovation, quality, and
customer satisfaction. As a global leader in the e-bike industry, we have established
warehouses in the European and American markets, ensuring swift delivery times of
3-7 days across the Europe and North America.

If you’re interested in purchasing our e-bike, please provide us with the specific
quantity you require and the delivery address. Once we receive this information, we’ll
calculate the shipment cost and provide you with a detailed quotation.

Firstly, I like to present our 26-inch mountain e-bike, a marvel of engineering designed
to cater to the adventurous spirit of your customers. Equipped with a powerful 350W
motor and a durable 36V 13AH battery, this e-bike promises an impressive range of
40-50 km on a single charge, making it an ideal companion for both urban commutes
and off-road excursions. The top speed of 38 km/h ensures a thrilling ride, while the
ability to adjust speed settings allows compliance with local regulations. Additionally,
features like pedal assist enhance the riding experience, offering a seamless blend of
manual and electric power.


Next, allow me to introduce our 20-inch fat tire urban cruiser, a versatile and compact
folding e-bike that does not compromise on performance. Powered by a robust 500W
motor with a peak output of 750W, this urban cruiser is equipped with a 48V 13AH
high-capacity battery, delivering speeds up to 48 km/h and a range of 50 km. Its
folding design makes it exceptionally convenient for storage and transport, appealing
to urban dwellers and commuters. Like its counterpart, this model comes with
customizable speed settings and pedal assist, ensuring a tailored and enjoyable riding

If you’re interested in purchasing our e-bike, please provide us with the specific
quantity you require and the delivery address. Once we receive this information, we’ll
calculate the shipment cost and provide you with a detailed quotation.

Our e-bikes are more than just vehicles; they are a testament to our dedication to
quality and innovation. Each model is equipped with advanced features designed to
meet the diverse needs of your customers. Whether it’s the rugged terrain capabilities
of our mountain e-bike or the urban efficiency of our folding cruiser, our products are
crafted to provide unparalleled performance and reliability.

Thank you for considering our e-bike offerings. We look forward to the opportunity to
discuss how our products can meet the needs of your customers and enhance your
product portfolio.

Best regards,
Dylan Young

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I hope this message finds you well. As a leading electric bike manufacturer, we
are glad to share with you an opportunity that combines cutting-edge technology with
unparalleled riding comfort. Our latest model, the Urban Cruiser, is now available directly
from our warehouse in Germany, offering quick and convenient shipping across the
European Union within 3-7 days.




For more information or to purchase, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We need your
address to calculate the cost of shipping.

Suspension System: The Urban Cruiser boasts a dual suspension design to ensure a smooth
ride on even the roughest terrains. The air suspension at the front provides 80 mm of travel,
creating a cushioned ride on bumpy roads. At the back, the suspension absorbs significant
pressure, enhancing comfort during outdoor adventures.

Powerful 500W Motor: the Urban Cruiser reaches speeds up to 30 MPH, effortlessly tackling
beaches, mountains, snow, and city streets. It’s designed for those who dare to explore
beyond the ordinary.
Upgraded Battery: Our 48v 13Ah lithium-ion battery ensures a range of 40-54 miles on a full
charge. Its removable, dustproof, and dampproof design not only enhances convenience but
also ensures the longevity and safety of the battery.

Foldable Design: The Urban Cruiser’s foldable design (33 x 16 x 30 inches when folded) and
light weight (only 71 pounds) make it perfect for commuting and travel. Easily store it in your
car’s trunk or carry it on the subway.

Humanization Riding Experience: Featuring an intuitive LCD display, the Urban Cruiser
provides essential information at a glance, including speed, battery level, pedal assist, and
travel distance. With front and rear mechanical disc brakes, a bright headlight, and an
adjustable rear light, your safety is our priority. Customize your ride with 3 riding modes and
a 7-speed gearbox.

We are confident the Urban Cruiser will revolutionize your outdoor adventures and daily
commutes. Available now for direct shipping from our German warehouse to anywhere in
the European Union, the world of cycling is at your doorstep.

For more information or to purchase, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We need your
address to calculate the cost of shipping.

Best regards,
Darren Cooper
Urban Cruiser Power

Kindly send us your email address to unlist

Bones e camisetas.

Publicado: 29 de março de 2022 em Expressão & Entretenimento

A/C Compras / Marketing,

Aproveite o momento e faça uma cotação de material promocional.

Trabalho com: bonés, chapéus, camisetas, camisas polo, aventais, ecobags, mochilas esportivas, entre outros.

Aguardo a sua cotação.


Seu novo App na Web.

Publicado: 20 de março de 2022 em Expressão & Entretenimento


Tudo bem?

Somos uma empresa consagrada da área de sites e
temos a oferecer nosso mais novo serviço WEB.

Criamos uma publisher, que é na prática uma empresa que desenvolve e
publica aplicativos oficiais na Playstore.

Breve resumo de motivos para ter um aplicativo na Playstore:

1- Hoje em dia, são cerca de 110 milhões de Smartphones no Brasil.

2- Seu aplicativo será baixado e instalado, tornando sua marca e seu projeto
parte do dia a dia destes usuários.

3- Ideal para qualquer negócio, seja loja virtual, portal de noticias, blog, etc.

4- Nosso método de trabalho, tem por objetivo, proporcionar valores de investimento,
bem acessíveis a qualquer porte de empresa.

5- A Playstore, possui cases de grande sucesso, e você poderá fazer parte deste time.

Qualquer dúvida só entrar em contato, pelo whatsapp abaixo.

Equipe DSC Sites

11 9 9752-3699 – Whatsapp

Remoção: preatendimentodsc

Junte-se aos illuminati.

Publicado: 11 de dezembro de 2021 em Expressão & Entretenimento

Saudações, do império de elite mundial illuminati. Trazendo os pobres, os necessitados e os talentosos para os holofotes da fama, riqueza, poderes e segurança, seja reconhecido em seus negócios, raça política, chegue ao topo em tudo que você fizer, seja protegido espiritual e fisicamente! Tudo isso você alcançará em um piscar de olhos quando for iniciado no grande império Illuminati. Depois de ser iniciado no império illuminati, você obterá inúmeros benefícios e recompensas.
Nota: que esta mensagem de e-mail foi criada exclusivamente para o propósito do nosso esquema de recrutamento que terminará no próximo mês e esta oferta é apenas para aqueles que não querem entrar no império illuminati, então recomendamos que você não entre em contato conosco em tudo. Isso ocorre porque a deslealdade é altamente não tolerada aqui em nossa organização. Você concorda em ser um membro da nova ordem mundial illuminati? Se sim!. Então, por favor, responda-nos em nosso e-mail de recrutamento direto apenas em:
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Os Illuminati.


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